The United Kingdom (UK) Robust Potato Pledge 2021 has been launched to help growers move away from potatoes that are
susceptible to blight. Signees have agreed to favour organic spuds bred to be blight resistant, rather than selling more well-
known varieties, helping the organic potato sector transition to 100% robust potato breeds over the next five years.
Waitrose, Riverford, Abel and Cole, Agrico, Sarpo, Skea Organics, RBOrganic, and Produce World have all signed up to the pledge at the Organic Grower’s Alliance’s Organic Matters Horticulture Conference. The pledge agreement builds on research from Organic- PLUS, a European Union project which aims to reduce theuse of contentious inputs in organic and non-organic agriculture.
For more information, see industry news from Fresh Plaza in the latest CHIPS [January | February 2022].