Enterprise development

Potatoes SA’s Enterprise Development Programme aims to support the establishment, growth, and viability of new potato producing enterprises.

The specific objectives are to:

  • Develop an economic programme that promotes sustainable potato production by smallholder farmers, utilising available land, and optimising the benefits of an integrated production system.
  • Enable smallholder farmers to grow and produce commercially in a sustainable manner.

Potatoes South Africa's four-year Enterprise Development Programme supports producers by providing financial aid for pre-feasibility studies, seeds, mentor remuneration, and industry exposure activities. The support is phased with 100% seed funding in the first year and decreases to 25% by the fourth year. The programme aims to create commercial producers that encourages existing participants to expand to a minimum of 30 hectares. The phased support structure also applies to expansions with the potential for a third support cycle based on the farmer's status. This approach offers diverse benefits including:

  • Savings and resources increase as producers benefit from better economies of scale.
  • Support services becoming more willing to visit farms and making better use of time and capacity.
  • Cost savings on travel and accommodation that can be redirected to other programme areas.
  • Ongoing access to specialised support that helps participating producers acquire essential knowledge and skills for successful potato farming.
  • Suppliers more willing to participate in the programme due to the advantages of scale.

New entrants into the Enterprise Development Programme receive mentorship support from experienced commercial farmers, potato production experts, and previous graduates.

The mentor's role includes:


Conduct pre-season planning, monitor implementation, and maintain regular check-ins and engagement.

Farm operations and management

Provide ongoing support, guidance and skills transfer, identify training needs, and connecting with training agencies.

Network building

Connect participants with input suppliers, marketing agencies, financial institutions, government services, and nearby commercial farmers.


Submit concise reports, detailing visits and communications along with encompassing key observations, progress, problems, and solutions.


Coordinate activities in-region by linking participants with other development programmes and commercial producers.