CHIPS [News]: The critical role of pesticide maximum residue limits…

Pesticide residues are unavoidable in all crops when these essential agricultural inputs are used to control potato pests, potato diseases and weeds encountered in potato production. It is seldom possible to produce a crop without a residue of the applied pesticide, unless special measures are implemented to manage the residues down to below-detectable limits. A maximum residue limit (MRL) is set for all pesticides (including plant and insect growth regulants) that are registered in South Africa – and potatoes are no exception.

CHIPS (July / August)

For more information on the article as published in CHIPS (July / August) by Dr Gerhard Verdoorn (principal author) and contributors Roleen la Grange, Dr Fienie Niederwieser and Desireé van Heerden, click here.

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