03 From the CEO: Chipping in on potatoes
04 Redakteursbrief / Editor’s note
Topical • Aktueel / Regulatories • Regulatory
06 Potato news / Aartappelnuus
08 Meet our board members: DC Schellingerhout
Industry information • Bedryfsinligting
12 Tendense op varsproduktemarkte: Deel 1
17 Baseline and market dynamics for the coming season
21 Verpakkingstendense van aartappels op varsproduktemarkte
28 National Minimum Wage Commission proposal
Research • Technical / Navorsing • Tegnies
32 Alternaria species causing leaf blights on potatoes in South Africa
38 The basics of managing fungicide resistance
40 Navorsing vir die aartappelboer deel 2: Beheer van blaarsiektes
42 Nitrogen and potassium nutrition part 1: Plant and tuber growth
48 Oos-Vrystaatse droëlandkultivarproef op Warden in 2019/2020
54 Limpopo-kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Tom Burke in 2020
65 OVS-werkgroep neem voortou met produkproewe
67 Wat op aarde? Deel 1: Intumessensie
68 The effect of dry conditions at planting on potato emergence and yield
Transformation • Transformasie
72 Growing tomorrow’s potato producers, today
75 PSA invests in smallholder farmers
Marketing • Bemarking
76 Why digital user experience (UX) matters
78 Importation of French fries takes a nosedive
81 From soil to plate: Potato, wors, and chakalaka bites
General • Algemeen
82 Arbeidsbestuur met die oog op volhoubaarheid
84 Prokon News / Prokon-nuus
87 The COIDA: What you need to know
88 Last word: Editor in chief