Below are the individual article for the CHIPS July / August 2022 edition. To view the entire magazine, click here.
Preface / Voorwoord
Redakteursbrief / Editor’s note
Potato news / Aartappelnuus
Industry roundtable: Zeroing in on the role of fresh produce markets
Cultivating quality: Top ten seed potato growers awarded for excellence
Research (Technical) / Navorsing (Tegnies)
Beheer van virussiektes: Makliker gesê as gedaan
Managed aquifer recharge: The basics, benefits and risks
Suidwes-Vrystaatse kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Petrusburg in 2021
Die vroeë-afsterwing-siektekompleks van aartappels in Limpopo: Deel 2
KwaZulu-Natal cultivar trial under irrigation at Greytown in 2021/2022
Virusdemonstrasieproef: Produksiepraktyke maak vir seker saak!
Wat op aarde? Deel 9: Pithium-vrot
Transformation / Transformasie
Planting the first potato crop at Mashemong a Molemole Co-operative
PSA bursary offers recipient financial freedom
Potatoes SA expands small farmer development projects to new regions
Marketing / Bemarking
Proudly South African potatoes
Crunchy potato chips and viennas
General / Algemeen
Punitive and precautionary suspension
Prokon News / Prokon-nuus