Greytown cultivar trial

The Greytown cultivar trial was planted on 24 August 2021 at GoldenGrow farm. These independent trials enable farmers to evaluate which cultivar, especially new cultivars, will perform best under specific conditions. In these trials, 19 cultivars were planted in a randomised complete block design with three replicates. This is to account for variations in the planting area and so that one cultivar does not benefit at the expense of others.

Preparation of the site is done beforehand and furrows are pulled. To ease the  planting process, the right amount of seed tubers for each plot are placed into the green buckets as seen in the photos. The seed is then planted by hand in the furrows. To ensure that all seed tubers are planted at equal distances from each other, ropes which are marked with cable ties (30 cm apart) are placed in the furrow to guide the spacing. After everything is planted the seed are covered carefully using hand implements to avoid the tubers rolling.

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